Our research is focussed on light-solid interactions. We are interested in optical excitations in semiconductor and metal nanostructures (1-5), and we use photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) for the direct observation of photon and plasmon surface dynamics (6-8).
In the past decade we have designed and built a unique aberration-correction microscope (PEEM) (9-11) and equipped it with a femtosecond laser system, a delay stage and a pulse shaper. This system allows us to directly visualize light propagation at the scale of a few nanometers.
We have used this instrument to study a number of optical devices such as optical antennas (12), plasmonic routers (13), plasmonic optical filters (13), plasmonic positioners (14), photonic waveguides and, most recently, photonic crystals (5).
These devices and structures will open applications in the area of optical signal processing on nanometer scales. Other potential applications would be sensors, harmonics generators, electron emitters etc.
Currently our group works towards the active control of light. We hope to demonstrate optical control with nanostructures positioned in the microscope. To prepare and characterize sample structures we use Focused Ion Beams, SEM, TEM.
In most of our work we also use numerical calculations to compare experimental results with physical theory (5, 10, 12-14).
(1) Light propagation and interaction observed with electrons
RC Word, JPS Fitzgerald, R Könenkamp
Ultramicroscopy 160, 84-89 (2016)
(2)Direct coupling of photonic modes and surface plasmon polaritons observed in 2-photon PEEM
RC Word, JPS Fitzgerald, R Könenkamp
Optics Express 21 (25), 30507-30520 (2013)
(3) Photonic near-field imaging in multiphoton photoemission electron microscopy
JPS Fitzgerald, RC Word, SD Saliba, R Könenkamp
Physical Review B 87 (20), 205419 (2013)
(4) Electron emission in the near-field of surface plasmons
RC Word, JPS Fitzgerald, R Könenkamp
Surface Science 607, 148-152 (2013)
5) Photonic crystal characterization based on photoemission electron microscopy
Theodore Stenmark and Rolf Könenkamp
Physical Review B 99, 205428 (2019)
(6) Direct imaging of optical diffraction in photoemission electron microscopy
RC Word, JPS Fitzgerald, R Könenkamp
Applied Physics Letters 103 (2), 021118 (2013)
(7) Confined photonic mode propagation observed in photoemission electron microscopy
T Stenmark, RC Word, R Könenkamp
Ultramicroscopy 183, 38-42
(8) 5.4 nm spatial resolution in biological photoemission electron microscopy
R Könenkamp, RC Word, GF Rempfer, T Dixon, L Almaraz, T Jones
Ultramicroscopy 110 (7), 899-902 (2010)
(9) Adaptive aberration correction using a triode hyperbolic electron mirror
JPS Fitzgerald, RC Word, R Könenkamp
Ultramicroscopy 111 (9), 1495-1503 (2011)
JPS Fitzgerald, RC Word, R Könenkamp
Ultramicroscopy 115, 35-40 (2012)
(11) Mode structure of planar optical antennas on dielectric substrates
RC Word, R Könenkamp
Optics Express 24 (16), 18727-18738 (2016)
R Könenkamp, RC Word, JPS Fitzgerald, A Nadarajah, SD Saliba
Applied Physics Letters 101 (14), 141114 (2012)
(13) Photoelectron emission control with polarized light in plasmonic metal random structures
RC Word, J Fitzgerald, R Könenkamp
Applied Physics Letters 99 (4), 041106 (2011)
(14) Positional control of plasmonic fields and electron emission
RC Word, JPS Fitzgerald, R Könenkamp
Applied Physics Letters 105 (11), 111114 (2014)